CCTV cameras provide optical
security against damage, theft, insurance claims and numerous scenarios. While
intruder systems keep your premises secure, identifying when and where someone
has tried to gain access to your premises.
Both of these pieces of kit can be
highly complex and result in huge cost savings to your business. This
complexity and their importance makes it vital that they are well maintained by
a PSA registered engineer.
Electro are specialists in the
installation and maintenance of all security related products. Our security
team consists of trained engineers with over 20 years industry experience,
design and service engineers and service account managers to ensure your system
always stays operational.
Our proactive approach ensures that
you get sufficient return on investment based on your purchase. CCTV and
intruder systems are used throughout the industry as a deterrent to criminal
activity, they are seldom called on but in the event that something happens a
maintenance contract with Electro can be the difference between a criminal
conviction and criminal damage.
The cost of a non performing system
or poorly maintained system can be catastrophic, in some cases resulting in the
closure of businesses. Without adequate service your security systems can be
targeted for an easy breach.
Contact our security service team today, they can walk you through the various options available to you and if there is anything Electro can do to help we'll be happy to come to site for a full inspection.